Monday, March 7, 2011

Cydia Source Pokemon Rom

This plant is cultivated by Native Americans for thousands of years. It consumes only the tuber and is very rich in protein and minerals for humans, such as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, besides having vitamins A, B and C among others.
is one of the most complete and balanced food. It is eaten boiled in water. Use only the tuber, not the leaves or stems, much less the fruits that tend to be toxic, as is well known by the Indians.
The potato is a food alkalizing, ie counteracts stomach acidity. It is especially recommended for people who do not eat meat because of its high protein content and is also highly recommended for rheumatism.
is eaten boiled with jackets, washed well in advance, because this way fewer vitamins and protein lost during cooking. You can also eat grilled or baked, following the same method ie cook with the skin to be removed before eating.
potato starch, lamada chuño is a healthy food and energy, used for desserts and soups.
To counteract stomach hyperacidity, today, some German doctors, recommend drinking potato juice, which is obtained from a potato with grated cheese grater, while the pulp is filtered, leaving only the juice and take 1 or 2 teaspoons area during the day.
The raw potato, grated mature used for boils and abscesses. Potato slices, applied to the temples, eliminate persistent headaches.


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