Saturday, March 26, 2011

Congrate Friend On His Marriage

Everything you wanted to know about computer security

By David Cuen

LONDON .- Computer viruses, worms, malicious cyber attacks, frauds Online all these phrases have been coupling common vocabulary as Internet security technology has become a constant concern.

Imperva, a company specializing in computer security, predicted that the data theft, cyber attacks and infiltrations smartphones to be some of the largest virtual threats this year.

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However there is still a lack of knowledge about how to deal with these problems in the digital age.

Continuing the tradition of our guides "Everything You Wanted to Know ...", on BBC World will present some answers to the questions most frequently asked.

And we invite you to use the form down the page to send us more doubts and questions about the topic that will answer in a couple of weeks.

What is a virus computer?
viruses have become a nightmare for users of technology.

A virus, in terms of technology, is a small computer program that can replicate itself and infect one or more computers.

The most important feature of these codes is their ability to play as the infected file is executed every time it is used, creating, as infectious entities, a chain of infection.

The virus can be played via the Internet, a local network or any removable media such as CD, USB, DVD, etc..

virus is often used to speak also of malicious worms, Trojans and spyware, but they can not reproduce themselves.

What is a malicious software or malware ?

is a program designed to access a user's device without their consent in order to steal information, usher in more malicious code or dismantling the device.

By definition it is unwanted programs and may include codes to install toolbars in browsers, advertisements, or to download programs without the user knowing.

These programs are usually used by criminal networks who operate online.

According to security firm Symantec, about 30% of malware from China, followed by Romania.

What is phishing?

Huella digital
Some sites try to steal the digital identity of users.

is an increasingly common practice on the Internet where some fraudsters deceive designing Internet sites that look like their favorite sites, same codes, same logos, slight changes in direction-a so that they enter their username and password.

Once they have sent more spam or fraudulent links contacts the person deceived.

The name "phishing" is a mixture of "password" (password in English) and "fishing" (fishing, in English) by creating a word that means "fishing for passwords."

To avoid this always have to make sure that the URL of the page you are visiting is correct.

How to know if a link is safe?

Most secure Internet connections using https prefix http instead of the common, where "s" extra meaning "safe."

Unlike open connections, the https secure channel established within an internet connection to check the authenticity of a website with some authorities to certify.

Using the system, however, can slow access to the service because the data require multiple trips to validate their authenticity.

antivirus Are they effective?

antivirus, though not infallible, remains the best tool of defense.

The antivirus is the best tool to defend against threats as files constantly monitor our devices in order to remove any infection.

Some of these programs are extra, but there are free versions that are also efficient

However, the antivirus can not prevent people to click on links or scams install programs that have undesirable characteristics, such as some toolbars in the browser.

also lose their effectiveness if not constantly updated to keep abreast with new technological threats.

What is a Trojan?

is a program that appears to be an end but actually hides malicious actions that run without user consent that defense.

Called to the famous Trojan Horse of Troy.

Some, for example, claim to be antivirus, but in reality are programs that spread viruses.

The council is only download programs from trusted sites or look for reviews on the web on these products.

Is there a cyberwar?

There is academic debate about whether the term "cyberwar" is accurate or not.

In recent months, the media have spoken of a cyber war and increased the intensity of computer attacks that seek to destabilize sites Internet by ideology.

Anonymous attacks on sites like Amazon or PayPal were to "defend the freedom of the internet" assumed that the organization was blocked after some companies refuse their services to the site Wikileaks leaks.

While organizations like the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ensure that the term is an "exaggeration", other experts insist that the name is correct and even suggest that mechanisms such as the "Geneva Convention" for cyberspace.

Ultimately one of the definitions of the word war is: "Fight or combat, albeit in a moral sense," according to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the English language.


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