Saturday, March 26, 2011

Component Cable To Ps3 Diagram

Cristo Rey high school in Barahona become "members for a day"

SANTO DOMINGO .- A group of 80 students and ten teachers from the high school of Christ the King Barahona, were guests of Rep. Noris Medina, who taught the young third and fourth year on average the activities of the legislature.

Students are part of the "Deputy for a Day" that made the House, this time touching the future graduates of Barahona, who toured the different areas of the building that makes up the National Congress in the populous area of \u200b\u200bLa Feria.

Medina lawmaker addressed a simulated session, taking as secretary, vice president and spokesman for the different parties classmates, generating enthusiasm among young people.

In order to make the simulation more realistic, students discussed an agenda, which had as a first point of Monte Grande dam, designed to carry out the company Andrade Gutierrez and will be of great importance for the development of Barahona and the southern region of the Dominican Republic.

After the Chamber of Deputies, the students were taken by Deputy Medina of the National Palace, where they toured the first and second floor of the House of Government, and various offices.

At the National Palace welcomed the head of the National Directorate for Drug Control (DNCD), Major General Rolando Rosado, and the head of the Military Aide Corps, the Hector Barahona Belisario Medina and Medina.

Later, students and teachers, who were given a copy of the Constitution of the Dominican Republic, were taken to lunch at the dining room of the Chamber of Deputies.

Source: Cabinet Free


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