Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gratis Nami Robin Hot

southwest families receive primary care

BARAHONA .- A major advance in the register of families and have typed medical history of patients show most of the Primary Care Units (UNAP) situated in this province and its municipalities, where each school receives daily 25 to 30 people for attention.
Here, the population most affiliated with Family Health (SENASA) receive basic health services for simple cases such as pediatric and adult blood pressure screening, prenatal screening, diabetes control and vaccination and when the patient requires specialized care is referred to the regional hospital Jaime Mota.
For communitarians, have a health service near their homes represents a breakthrough, but have complaints in the sense that often come to the center and the doctor is not administered drugs on hypertension and diabetes all come scarce or incomplete, when they want to go to hospital to have a hard time getting referrals, and there are doctors who speak evil.
The strengths and weaknesses of UNAPs located in the town of Barahona and Enriquillo, among other communities, were presented by community during monitoring visits conducted in the area for the Directorate of Information and Protection of Member (DIDA) headed by its director Nelsa Marmolejos.
In the Southwest, that make up the Health Region IV, comprising the provinces of Independencia, Barahona, Pedernales and Bahoruco 134 UNAP is installed and another four are scheduled to open in the coming days, according to authorities in the area covering 93 percent of the population .
Marmolejos said one of the advantages seen in UNAPs visited in the area is the digitization of the system, lifting the epidemiological profile of the community, but there are weaknesses in the system counter, and the doctor of UNAP referenced to the hospital but received no return of the medical center.
"We find contradictions to see a very pretty unap investors, but is stopped due to lack of battery, others have televisions but they can not pass messages for lack of an educational DVD, these are latent ancestral problems, "said the director of the Dida .

With a capacity of about 30 beds, the center's second level of care is going through serious financial constraints and a progressive deterioration in their physical plant.
According to the people working there for three months did not receive the subsidy granted, about 300 thousand pesos a month, so currently can not afford not to buy food for the few patients who enter.
Currently, they explained, the hospital has closed the credit for fuel and stores where you buy food, so when patients are admitted, families must bring lunch from home.
This hospital treats between 32 and 36 patients a day. They have a specialist in gynecology that provides services Monday through Wednesday. Pediatricians do not have what children are consulted by a general practitioner.
has an operating room, but closed for lack of surgeon and anesthesiologist.
has an ambulance used to transport to the hospital in Barahona patients with complications that present emergency.


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