Saturday, March 26, 2011

How High To Hang Curtains

Banks finance three new wind power plants in Bani and Barahona.

BARAHONA .- The president of the National Energy Commission, Enrique Ramírez, said the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and European Investment Bank (EIB) approved a loan of $ 130 million (4,900 million pesos) to finance the installation of wind power plants in Monte Cristi and Bani and Barahona.

Three power plants will be raised power generation parks "Matafongo", "Juancho" Los Cocos "and Guanillo and resources from the funding provided by the IDB and the EIB will be available in four or five months. Ramírez

He said these plants will produce 113 megawatts of electricity and is estimated to produce a gain of 800 thousand barrels of oil per year, equivalent to $ 65 million (2,400 million pesos).

The CNE official estimated that in the future that the matrix of the country's electricity generation is 40 percent through renewable mechanisms, 30 percent natural gas, coal 20 percent and only 2 or 3 percent of fuel oil.

executive director of the CNE gave the remarks while participating in the forum "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for sustainable tourism in the country, sponsored by the Chamber English official of Trade and Industry.


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