Friday, March 25, 2011

Soft Cervix, Late Period By 2 Weeks

Miss Dominican Republic take legal action for defamation is

SANTO DOMINGO .- After the scandal broke out in the Dominican Republic after allegations that the winner Dalia Fernandez, would have paid 110 000 dollars his crown, the director of the organization Miss Dominican Republic, Magaly Febles, faced with complaints, and not just described as despicable and deceitful, but said they will take legal action for people who have defamed the contest to pay for their actions.

"This is in the hands of lawyers, they are examining statements they have made to take the necessary legal option because it is unjust accusations that have made this way," the trainer said in an interview queens . "Not only does it show disrespect for the girl who won but a distinguished jury which was selected with great care, me and the organization."

director of Miss Dominican Repúblcia regretted that the contestants Dajabón, Gabriela Ferreiras and Espalliat, Alba Jiménez , have asserted that the election of the new queen Dominican was a fraud orchestrated by the leadership contest and asked them to learn to lose.

"They have to prove their allegations but what you see here is that they are bad losers, the loser is never satisfied. I feel bad because they do not even entered the 15 finalists and this confirms why."

The beauty expert, who also manages the franchise of Miss Haiti, explained further that the allegations have so little foundation, as the winner of a poor woman could not pay such a bribe.

"When they say she paid 4 million pesos (110 thousand dollars) that makes no sense talking about all that Dalia is a young woman even car has. Is the daughter of a seamstress and his father has a grocery store ( grocery store). "

director of Miss Dominican Republic reiterated that those who are behind this smear have to deal with the law because, unlike other years when people disagree slander, this time will not stand idly by.

"We will take action on the matter. This time I'll have to stop that. I do not know which will be the consequences, but they have to retract their statements and talk and that justice is done for this not to continue, "he said." I do not think an apology will be enough because the allegations are very serious and suggest that bribe the jury. Here has been much evil and I will not let it happen like gossip more. "

In his career behind beauty contests in Puerto Rico and Quisqueya, Febles has been the crown of Miss Universe candidates as Dayanara Torres , Denise Quiñones, Zuleyka Rivera and Amelia Vega and other outstanding shares as Ada Aimé Cross, who in 2009 ranked second in Miss Universe., 22490,2061457,00. Html


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