Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fpregnancy Hid From Ultrasound

DNCD Leonel Fernandez takes actions in neighborhoods of San Cristobal and Haina

SAN CRISTOBAL .- The National Drugs Control (DNCD) conducted extensive action against narcotics microtrafficking that included several raids on at least about 12 neighborhoods in San Cristobal and the village of Haina, where 20 people were imprisoned in the sale and distribution of drugs, who have seized dozens of pieces of cocaine, marijuana and crack, as well as weapons and cash proceeds of this illicit business.

The DNCD that agents belonging to the Southern Regional Inspectorate in this province, made a wide day against substance microtrafficking controlled where they conducted a total of 18 operational projects involving about 6 raids, all carried out in the presence of deputy prosecutors.

agents raided a home in the street sector Hostos Madre Vieja Sur and there arrested the drug dealers Samuel Brown and Ronny Caamaño Gustavo Adolfo, 21 and 22, respectively, who took 52 pieces of a white powder that is presumed to cocaine, drugs found by officers in one compartment of the kitchen cabinets that house.

Both young operated a sales and distribution center controlled substances in that place, where they were also occupied a Tanita brand scales, black, Yamaha motorcycles and AX 100, blue and black, which were used for drug delivery in the manner of delivery, and the sum of 200 pesos in cash.

Two other houses on the street Salcedo Navy sector, in this city, were carried out two raids where they were arrested the microtraficantes Carlos Alvarez Medina, 26, and Gregorio Arias Rivera, 24 , who were two major drug dealers in the area. At first, it took 50 parts of a white substance, presumably cocaine found in a plastic container which in turn was inside a sneaker found next to the bed where he slept, while the second was found a large portion of the same substance and brand Tanita scale.

Sainaguá Behind the cemetery, agents raided a house and arrested Luis Miguel Quiteria Pérez, alias "El Flaco", 20, who was leading micro-trafficking operations in the vicinity of the cemetery , and he took 43 pieces of cocaine, a scale, a china cabinet, several mobile phones of various brands and the sum of RD $ 300 pesos in cash, proceeds from the sale of drugs.

On the other hand, DNCD agents made another raid on a house located on Main Street Lavapies sector, and there arrested red-handed at the appointed Jefry Linares Jerez, alias "El Menor" and Manuel de Jesus De Leon, alias "Kelita," 20 and 18, respectively, who also operated a business selling narcotics in that house, and we were occupied 28 parts of a plant, which is presumed to be marijuana.

others were reported arrested were Arismendy Lara Ruiz, Juan Alejandro Doñe Tejeda, Gustavo Adolfo Caamaño, Jesus Alcantara Diaz, Radhames Quezada Guarantor, Rudy Alcantara Tejada, Carlos Linares Jovanny Guzman, Martin Medrano Lopez, Carmen Cristina Aguasvivas Rosy Cross and Incarnation Pinales, all caught in possession of narcotic drugs.

were made in total in San Cristobal and Haina about 18 interventions, 6 burglaries, and 155 occupied portions of cocaine, marijuana 42 servings, 4 scales, 5 motorcycles, 4 knives out of so-called liver and hundreds of dollars in cash .


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