Saturday, March 26, 2011

Adding Upstairs Bedrooms Cost

Mayor put into operation modern offices

BANI .- The Mayor of the Municipality of Bani, Nelson Camilo Landestoy, he ran the afternoon of Friday the rejuvenated fundraising offices of the council, among which are Treasury, Mortgage and Revenue Management.

The renovation provided by the Executive of the town of Bani to evoke the need for transparency and strengthen the collections consists of cubicles and glass front door with internal bathrooms and repair of toilets in the reception all with porcelain tile floors.

In a note written by the Public Relations Department of the City Council says the work performed in part on the first floor of City Hall include relocation and construction records, construction of post office payment ceiling with lighting, construction screens, repair and installation of air conditioners and installation of access door to the second level of iron with classic design, all with mahogany finish and marble tops, which involved an investment of 2 million 300 thousand dollars, including equipment .

The design of the renovation of offices collecting area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Bam City is the architect Enrique Peguero, Engineer José Luis Peguero contractor and supervision was provided by the Directorate of Urban Planning of the institution.

The ribbon cutting was led by Vice-Mayor Dayanira Soto, along with the Mayor Nelson Camilo Landestoy and Councillors Carlos González, Josefina Bautista del Castillo, Juan Castillo, Iván Peña, José Asunción and Magnolia Sánchez.


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