Wednesday, March 23, 2011

V.i.p Long Luggage Suitcase


Donzell Also known as, Absinto, yerba santa, Alosno. Consent, in a plant used to reduce fever, is also a vermifuge, ie it is a powerful antiseptic, is also used as a digestive tonic and diuretic, is a very aprecidado stomach tonic. While
also used to manufacture liquor in some countries it is forbidden absinthe liquor by the severity of alcoholic poisoning caused.
plant is about 60 cm, silver leaf, soft and silky. Spontaneously grows in barren and dry.

Active Principles: plant contains an essential oil consisting of thujone, tuyol, proazuleno, phellandrene and other substances. Green parts contain a glucoside, which is the lactone.

Leaves and stems are used in infusion or tincture as a great digestive tonic and to cure stomach anorexia (ie the lack of retention of food through the stomach, which quickly dismissed.)


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