Friday, March 25, 2011

Fleetwood Scorpion For Sale In Texas

San Jose Ocoa is 'falling apart'

SAN JOSE OCAO .- Failure jobs, bankrupt farmers, field abandonment, deteriorating roads, crime, drug trafficking and promote the calamity and misery being experienced by the province.

A real shame is walking the streets of San Francisco areas, Arroyo San Rafael and communicating to the communities Cienega, San Marcos and Rancho Arriba, really impassable and whose dust is an imminent danger to health, which is the lack of opportunities for youth, is encouraged to commit crime.

Another regret of Ocoa community is the lack of housing. Dozens of families have been left homeless by the flooding of Arroyo San Rafael and although they requested help from the authorities, they act "on deaf ears."

Storms Noel and Olga are still giving "torment" in these communities, since they remain the houses destroyed since then. Even when families have complained, no response has come to them.

Over the years, towns have become ghost towns, the result of the lack of social investment under the indifferent gaze of the authorities, which has caused locals speak out against such problems but have received only campaign promises are never fulfilled.

inhumane conditions in which they live, especially the inhabitants of San Francisco neighborhoods and the Arroyo de San Rafael, makes clear the apathy which have undergone dozens of families from these popular sectors of the Government and local authorities in the province.

assert that after the death of Father Luis Quinn, the province of San José de Ocoa not the same as they have attended dozens of times to complain to the offices of the governor, which maintains the negligence and lack of attention to their problems.

munícipes Part of the San José de Ocoa live under the panic of the landslides of rocks that emerge from the mountains and put at risk the lives of pedestrians and visitors.

By the press team, the inhabitants of San José de Ocoa lost no time to express each of the setbacks suffered by the impoverished and abandoned town (San Francisco), facing the lack of jobs, insecurity and the micro-trafficking.


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