Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Acrostic Poem On Death

syrup to lower cholesterol or potato Pope

This is an old recipe oriental, very effective in lowering cholesterol in a radical way. It takes 350 grams of garlic and 1 / 2 liter of alcohol fine.
should peel and chop the garlic (use gloves, because the acid burns the skin of garlic) and place in a glass jar with 1 / 2 liter of alcohol. Marinate in a dark place (for example, the back of the cupboard) for 15 days. Then strain it with gauze. There will be a white syrup, which should be taken as follows:
The first day, breakfast will be in a glass, a little water and add a drop of syrup, at lunch we take two drops; snack: three drops at dinner: 4 drops at breakfast the next day, take 5 drops at lunch: 6 drops and so on to take 25 drops.
Once you have reached 25 drops before the next meal will take 24 drops and the dose will go down in a drop least up to take back a single drop.
I assure you that this lowers cholesterol in a highly effective way. This syrup is repeated at 5 years of taking it.
If garlic, leave them bad breath, do not forget to chew a sprig of parsley which completely removes bad breath.


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