Monday, February 28, 2011

Transfer Data From Tally 7 To 9

The orange is the fruit of the orange tree (Citrus aurantinas). Is a tree native to Asia, evergreens and dome-shaped cup and its fruits are spherical and divided into segments, very juicy. Its properties are incredibly varied and all its parts are carriers of beneficial contributions to our body. Ideally, drinking a glass of juice at breakfast, which can start the day with the vitamin necessary and without fat that affects our arteries.

Active Principles: The fruits are rich in vitamins, especially C. organic acids, pectin and minerals.
The flowers known as Flor de Azahar, have lemon, pinene, linalool, citrenol and resin.
The bark of the fruit contains D-lemon, Citrol, citronellol, vitamins and pectins.

The flowers are sedating and relaxing the stomach, especially for people who reflect the nerves in this body and affects their digestion.
Fruits tone the whole body and strengthens the lungs and bronchi.
The leaves are also sedative and antipyretic, ie reduce fever and regulate body temperature.
An orange bark tea, boiled for 3 minutes and taken before food, is digestive and tonic by promoting proper digestion.
In cosmetic use, making porridge with orange rind, applied to the skin, can enjoy their moisturizing and soothing the skin, its effects are similar to those caused by cucumber. A slice applied to dark circles, makes them disappear in minutes.


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