Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Senator Manuel Paula submits bill that would toughen the punishment for drunk drivers

Neiba .- If signed into law a project studying the Senate, drunk driving with expired license or passing red lights would be sentenced to imprisonment from one to six months and a fine of a minimum wage at RD $ 5 billion. Repeat offenders would receive twice as many penalties.

The project, originally from Senator Manuel Paula (PLD-Baoruco), also require placing the seat belt to addressing the rear seats of vehicles, mostly children.

This project amending Law 241 of vehicular traffic and provides that the license suspension for drunk driving may not be less than six months nor more than one year. When a driver causes damage to a person shall be punished, in addition to the penalties provided by that law, the license suspension of one to five years when injuries are permanent and, ultimately, in case of death.

Exorbitant. According to statistics from the Directorate General of Internal Revenue (DGII), the vehicle fleet has increased from 1,608,000 units in the year 2003 to 2,735,000 in 2010. Adds that there are 661.747 cars 73.716 buses, jeeps 252.881, 344.051 freight cars, 1,352,720 motorcycles, dump trucks, 18.272, 18.226 and 13.127 heavy machines of other types.

reveals that 66.12 percent of these vehicles are located in major urban centers at a rate of 50.38 percent in the National District, 11.82 percent in the province of Santo Domingo and Santiago 5.92 percent .

"This constant flow of vehicles has resulted in persistent violations of traffic laws, the lack of observation puts at risk the lives of people."


Between August and November 2007, only the DN and the province of Santo Domingo, AMET sent to traffic court to 19.370 for violation of red light in June in 2009 it became a major traffic violation, occupying 70% of the fines.

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William Gomez computer stolen from his home in Villa Estela. Matan

for drafting ECOS DEL SUR.
BARAHONA .- A stranger entered the home of an employee of Radio Cadena Hispanoamericano in this city, and stole a laptop computer.

The thief entered the house of William José Gómez, located on Independence Street, Lower Quarter Villa Estela here.

The victim said the laptop has a cost of over 20 thousand dollars.

said that for unknown committing the robbery, he gave his son for eight years and ten dollars, which he said he was which sent him.

After the child receive the money, went out to thousands of housing to the grocery store to buy candy, so they used the spend them to enter the house and take the Laptop was in his room.

In Villa Estela said that whoever did the robbery, is in the neighborhood, so it is being investigated and there are good tracks.

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3 dead in SC, including the Magistrate Judge's brother Nivar Claribel Arias

To Ecos del Sur.

SAN CRISTOBAL .- Agents of different departments here investigative questioning about 30 people in connection with three murders that occurred last night shot here, including a brother of Judge Judge Nivar Claribel Arias, who was assaulted.

The victims were identified as Juan José Fermín (Bryan), 22, resident of the General Leger Street No. 59, and a stranger about 20 years, wearing red football jacket, both were taking drinks in the bar when they were attacked Billo dead by a gunman who took flight as soon did the slaughter on a motorcycle with another young man waiting for him.

the merchant lender Nivar Rafael Leonidas Arias, 47, and resident Sainaguá crossing, received several bullet wounds from a stranger who landed in the vehicle and seriously injured the young accompanying him, Esther Pujols Suero, 25, student, carrying a gun and several mobile phones brand Carradine.

Nivar Arias, who is the brother of Judge Judge Nivar Claribel Arias, was inside the car Honda Civic, blue, A345263 plate, when he was caught by the criminal who did the shooting, dying at the scene, while the young accompanying him was shot in the left shoulder, no exit wound, which keeps admitted to the Hospital Juan Pablo Pina of this community.

the events immediately the Police Commander of the 17th. Company Clime Colonel Raúl Estévez, accompanied by Colonel Gabriel Melo Santos, Chief of Criminal Investigations, the Deputy Commander of the department, Julio De León Carlos Mota, the Acting Chief of Homicides in the area, Mayor Julio Ernesto Germosén were presented to places of the facts with other officers, arresting 30 people for research purposes.

The bodies of 3 men killed in two separate incidents were sent by the Medical Examiner, Dr. Belgium Nivar, the Institute of Forensic Pathology prior presence of the Deputy Prosecutor, Graduate Pedro Medina Quezada and other competent authorities of the municipality header.

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PRSC aims to register 350 000 new members in 90 days 93%

Neiba .- Congressman and Secretary of Organization of the Social Christian Reformist Party (PRSC) revealed that it is restructuring and reorganizing the organization wide policy national territory in order to enroll about 350 thousand new members to participate in that party's convention to be completed by mid of this year.

Engineer Max Castro Silverio said that the registration campaign has been conducted in 20 provinces and several teams are combing the whole country in order to register all young and all those who wish to enter this third one organization to the next election with a presidential candidate.

Castro Silverio highlighted the rapid growth that has taken the party in recent months and is being restructured provincial and municipal committees and the general secretariats, which is doing a combination of young and veteran reformers who are the worthy representatives of their communities.

During the ceremony Castro Silverio swore more than 40 young people from various communities here belonging to several political parties that joined ranks in the Reform Party.

Meanwhile, the President of Women of Reform Party, the ex - President of the Chamber of Deputies, Rafaela Alburquerque (Lila), swore in dozens of women who belong Women's National Front Reformist and the Secretary of Youth, Joaquin Diaz, also swore in a large group of young people in this organization living in several communities in this region.

The opening words of the act were made by ex - Senator and national leader of the Reform Party, José Luis González Sánchez, and closing by Joaquín Ricardo, Acting President of that political organization. Meanwhile, Sergio Elena Selim offered some words, highlighting the growth of the Reform Party in recent months.

During the ceremony the Mayor of here and reformist leader, Orlando Gómez Román, also swore in a large group of youths from the communities of Villa Jaragua, El Salado, Los Ríos, La Clavellina and Tamayo, whose young sworn as everyone in the business promised to work day and night to make the Reform Party back to power to have more jobs for all sectors.

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southwest families receive primary care

BARAHONA .- A major advance in the register of families and have typed medical history of patients show most of the Primary Care Units (UNAP) situated in this province and its municipalities, where each school receives daily 25 to 30 people for attention.
Here, the population most affiliated with Family Health (SENASA) receive basic health services for simple cases such as pediatric and adult blood pressure screening, prenatal screening, diabetes control and vaccination and when the patient requires specialized care is referred to the regional hospital Jaime Mota.
For communitarians, have a health service near their homes represents a breakthrough, but have complaints in the sense that often come to the center and the doctor is not administered drugs on hypertension and diabetes all come scarce or incomplete, when they want to go to hospital to have a hard time getting referrals, and there are doctors who speak evil.
The strengths and weaknesses of UNAPs located in the town of Barahona and Enriquillo, among other communities, were presented by community during monitoring visits conducted in the area for the Directorate of Information and Protection of Member (DIDA) headed by its director Nelsa Marmolejos.
In the Southwest, that make up the Health Region IV, comprising the provinces of Independencia, Barahona, Pedernales and Bahoruco 134 UNAP is installed and another four are scheduled to open in the coming days, according to authorities in the area covering 93 percent of the population .
Marmolejos said one of the advantages seen in UNAPs visited in the area is the digitization of the system, lifting the epidemiological profile of the community, but there are weaknesses in the system counter, and the doctor of UNAP referenced to the hospital but received no return of the medical center.
"We find contradictions to see a very pretty unap investors, but is stopped due to lack of battery, others have televisions but they can not pass messages for lack of an educational DVD, these are latent ancestral problems, "said the director of the Dida .

With a capacity of about 30 beds, the center's second level of care is going through serious financial constraints and a progressive deterioration in their physical plant.
According to the people working there for three months did not receive the subsidy granted, about 300 thousand pesos a month, so currently can not afford not to buy food for the few patients who enter.
Currently, they explained, the hospital has closed the credit for fuel and stores where you buy food, so when patients are admitted, families must bring lunch from home.
This hospital treats between 32 and 36 patients a day. They have a specialist in gynecology that provides services Monday through Wednesday. Pediatricians do not have what children are consulted by a general practitioner.
has an operating room, but closed for lack of surgeon and anesthesiologist.
has an ambulance used to transport to the hospital in Barahona patients with complications that present emergency.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Cedimat highlights quality of ICU

SANTO DOMINGO .- "It's in Intensive Care", terrified that phrase speaks of gravity, and no wonder, intensive care units is the area where patients are taken in serious condition, which are attended by top medical experts from the health centers.

same occurs in the
Cedimat , wherein the Intensive Care Unit of the Cardiovascular Unit is directed by Dr. Santiago Mena, for whom intensive care play an important role in reducing mortality and combating disease .

"Reduce overall hospital mortality in different departments, when conducting an invasive procedure," said the specialist on Saturday The Government of the Z101.

director Cedimat Cardiovascular Unit, Pedro Ureña, considers the Intensive Care Unit "is the part that works behind the racks, but it is the essence of the results in a cardiovascular unit."

According to him, after the implementation of these in modern health facilities, significantly decreased mortality and post operative cardiac patients.

Ureña It boasts to say that the Cedimat have Intensive Care Unit of the country most modern and best equipped, both in terms of technology in health and trained personnel.

specialists, also accompanied by the Head of Cardiovascular Surgery Center, Freddy Wood, "outlined that have invested heavily in the training of paramedical personnel, especially nurses.

Another feature of Cedimat, considered an institutional strength, is the open style of Units Intensive Care, that is, that when a patient is in the cardiovascular area, not only attended by his cardiologist, but other specialists involved intensive, doing interdisciplinary work.

This opening includes the participation of medical students from Intec, which the university has an agreement Cedimat. For them this participation is essential because it helps them identify future residents who will specialize in the same center, which will ensure sustainability understand medical staff Cedimat.

"Our unit is not closed type ... the model has given us a success is the joint participation as a team ... is not the traditional model in the country ", said Ureña. Ureña

recalled that the main cause of death in the country are
stroke, and he called on citizens to prevent. A diet low in salt, sugars and fats, and fruits rich in fiber and helps to avoid them.

According to a study by the center in a suburb of the capital, 30 percent of the inhabitants of this area suffers from hypertension and 16 percent are diabetic. Currently the institution is working on a larger study to which you are able to identify the main cardiovascular affecting the Dominican population.

In the neighborhoods, Cedimat specialists found a high proportion of hypertensive patients is not being medicated or is being poorly treated diabetics are unaware they have diabetes and high cholesterol. "

placed only 10% required pacemakers
Pedro Ureña in the Dominican Republic is making barely 10 percent of demand pacemaker really sick people.

According to statistics from developed countries, the country should be placed between 8 and 9 000 pacemakers per year Ureña believes figure is well below the actual need of the country.

In the Dominican Republic are being between 600 and 800 pacemakers per year, ie 10 percent of the estimated demand.

all boils down to price of pacemaker that ranges from 4 to 5 thousand dollars, "making it impossible for patients placing poor and uninsured."

To meet this need, the Cedimat,
with Heart Care International and Medtronic performed several times a year cardiovascular conference in which they place between 60 and 70 pacemaker year Cedimat Cardiovascular Unit.

However, "the statistics instead of tapering are rising."

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Reelectionists Barahona preparation meet to coordinate assistance in support act

BARAHONA .- The PLD that support repostulación President Leonel Fernandez to a new presidential term, met Saturday morning in a restaurant in this city to coordinate the preparations for the great act of support for Leonel to be done in Santo Domingo.

The activity was led by lawyer Matthew Eddy Vasquez, provincial coordinator of the support team for re-election of Leonel, who was accompanied by the governor, Rafael Maria Mendoza, Mariano Montero and deputy chairman of the municipal committee of the Dominican Liberation Party in Barahona, Mr. Carlos Manuel Florian.

The meeting determined the number of minibuses that would dispnibles for the transfer of the PLD, and the places where they will be located.


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DNCD Leonel Fernandez takes actions in neighborhoods of San Cristobal and Haina

SAN CRISTOBAL .- The National Drugs Control (DNCD) conducted extensive action against narcotics microtrafficking that included several raids on at least about 12 neighborhoods in San Cristobal and the village of Haina, where 20 people were imprisoned in the sale and distribution of drugs, who have seized dozens of pieces of cocaine, marijuana and crack, as well as weapons and cash proceeds of this illicit business.

The DNCD that agents belonging to the Southern Regional Inspectorate in this province, made a wide day against substance microtrafficking controlled where they conducted a total of 18 operational projects involving about 6 raids, all carried out in the presence of deputy prosecutors.

agents raided a home in the street sector Hostos Madre Vieja Sur and there arrested the drug dealers Samuel Brown and Ronny Caamaño Gustavo Adolfo, 21 and 22, respectively, who took 52 pieces of a white powder that is presumed to cocaine, drugs found by officers in one compartment of the kitchen cabinets that house.

Both young operated a sales and distribution center controlled substances in that place, where they were also occupied a Tanita brand scales, black, Yamaha motorcycles and AX 100, blue and black, which were used for drug delivery in the manner of delivery, and the sum of 200 pesos in cash.

Two other houses on the street Salcedo Navy sector, in this city, were carried out two raids where they were arrested the microtraficantes Carlos Alvarez Medina, 26, and Gregorio Arias Rivera, 24 , who were two major drug dealers in the area. At first, it took 50 parts of a white substance, presumably cocaine found in a plastic container which in turn was inside a sneaker found next to the bed where he slept, while the second was found a large portion of the same substance and brand Tanita scale.

Sainaguá Behind the cemetery, agents raided a house and arrested Luis Miguel Quiteria Pérez, alias "El Flaco", 20, who was leading micro-trafficking operations in the vicinity of the cemetery , and he took 43 pieces of cocaine, a scale, a china cabinet, several mobile phones of various brands and the sum of RD $ 300 pesos in cash, proceeds from the sale of drugs.

On the other hand, DNCD agents made another raid on a house located on Main Street Lavapies sector, and there arrested red-handed at the appointed Jefry Linares Jerez, alias "El Menor" and Manuel de Jesus De Leon, alias "Kelita," 20 and 18, respectively, who also operated a business selling narcotics in that house, and we were occupied 28 parts of a plant, which is presumed to be marijuana.

others were reported arrested were Arismendy Lara Ruiz, Juan Alejandro Doñe Tejeda, Gustavo Adolfo Caamaño, Jesus Alcantara Diaz, Radhames Quezada Guarantor, Rudy Alcantara Tejada, Carlos Linares Jovanny Guzman, Martin Medrano Lopez, Carmen Cristina Aguasvivas Rosy Cross and Incarnation Pinales, all caught in possession of narcotic drugs.

were made in total in San Cristobal and Haina about 18 interventions, 6 burglaries, and 155 occupied portions of cocaine, marijuana 42 servings, 4 scales, 5 motorcycles, 4 knives out of so-called liver and hundreds of dollars in cash .

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Governor Gamalier Montas headed home sales program popular in the province of San Cristobal

SAN CRISTOBAL .- civil governor of the province, engineer Gamalier Montas headed home for the second time the popular sales program encompassing the different sectors and municipalities in the southern province.
Montas said the sales started to leave by order of President Leonel Fernandez, through the Economic dining, head Nicolás Calderón, are placed in stalls municipalities of San Cristobal, Cambita Garabitos, Villa Altagracia, Yaguate, Pelenque, Haina and Nigua.
Also, in the municipal districts of Hato Damas, Cambita the village, The Lane, Medina, The Blade and San Jose del Puerto.
The representative of the Executive arrived at 7:30 am on Saturday and met with officers and employees of the government to report on these actions of the president in order to address the shortage of consumer goods due to the rise of oil on the international market.
Montas indicated that the low-income families can purchase at a reasonable price for items under hundred dollars, seven hundred dollars, through a contentivo combo of rice, beans, flour, salami, milk and seasonings, tomato sauce, pica pica, spaghetti and a chicken no matter the size of one hundred pesos.
He said that operatives involved popular sales program and Anna López Matas Germain Iris Almonte of the Economic Restaurants and their employees, the lawyer for governor Victor Quezada governor's special assistant and Natyobi Mejia public relations director and employees of the provincial government as a whole, the trustees of the municipalities of Yaguate, Pelenque, the Cocoa , Cambita the village and Hato Damas, as well as leaders of neighborhood associations.

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Teen wakes up after sleep of three days announced Sunday revelation that was. New police commander Barahona

Photo: Benny Rodriguez .

BARAHONA .- As promised, the 16-year-old Suarez Medrano Yoa Saturday woke from sleep in that was from last Thursday in the presence of dozens of people who came to the house of worship where the lowest was for three days.

The teenager stood the mattress, where was Thursday, Friday and Saturday, when promised, 11:00 am, in the eyes of citizens, who were concentrated in awe.

Medrano Suarez said God had called him a revelation, to sleep, to show you the heaven and hell, and then raise or wake up, so it will be this Sunday, where they communicate the disclosure.

The event took place in local Evangelical Church, located in the neighborhood of Pedro Bello fund in Polo, where dozens of people attended, where some of them woke up next to the minor.

The place went media, radio , television and print, who gave the history, causing Polo, was the focus of this province.

Polo Fun, Cabral, Salinas, Barahona, Vicente Noble and other populations have been made there, as expected exposure teen about vivid dream, but this did not speak.

Suárez Medrano said he did not just take her to hospital, "because the Lord and asked me, as I was with the medical physicians, and the lord gave fruit to eat and water. "

Among the few words said in Dominican Republic will be a very strong earthquake, and that hell many people seeking help.

She expressed that will testify next Sunday at 4:00 pm, about all that the Lord had shown in his sleep.

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resolved 23 cases from 14 to 23 March


BARAHONA .- In just nine days, the Regional South Police based in this city, headed by Colonel licensed Pulinario Lorenzo Julius Caesar, solved 23 crimes in the areas of Recovery, murder and robbery, in bringing to justice the alleged perpetrators.

The information was offered by the institution's official spokesman, Major Jose de los Santos Perez y Perez, who attributed speedy resolution of these facts, the ability and experience of senior officer.

Means of transportation include motorcycles and Passolo recovered, which are being refined and returned to their rightful owners claim them to be presented with the relevant legal documents.

relation to the area of \u200b\u200bhomicide, there are those wounded by bullets and knives, beaten with blunt objects, kidnapping, rape, among other things

Meanwhile, in the theft include phones, stereos, color TVs, rings and Guillen, gold, gas cylinders, motor vehicles, among other items.

The subject of motorcycle theft include Wilmer Batista Rosario (Coquito), Luis Ernesto Jiménez Nin (Eddy), Wander Ramirez Alexis Severino (Joel), Yancey Feliz Ruiz (Mocho Shrinkage, among other

Meanwhile, the area Homicide were brought to justice, Mario Aquino Pérez, Emiliano Gonzalez Felix (Smilla), José Ángel Pérez Balbuena (Gordo), Juan Pablo Segura Batista, Franklin Segura, among other citizens.

While, in Relation to Robbery, already been brought to justice, among others, Wilton Lopez Jimenez, Manuel Duarte Ciprian, Pascual Perez Cuello, Alejandro Felix Perez Jonathan Felix Peña, Carlos Manuel Castillo, among others.

"We will continue to face the crimes, because criminals have to live from mountain to mountain, and they can not walk the streets, while police comadandante I am the South in this square," said Colonel Lorenzo Pulinario through Perez and Perez.

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management emphasize Victor Terrero made the front of the Regional Health IV

BARAHONA .- management Management Dr. Víctor Manuel Terrero Encarnación is being highlighted by different sectors of civil society and even Vice Barahona until he expressed the levels of transparency that has permeated Network Service's Regional Health IV.

Dr. Terrero Encarnación provided for the control of a single store for inputs and outputs of medicines, cleaning materials, reagents and equipment, thereby ensuring that they have no diversions to parties that have nothing to do with patients and Primary Care Units (UNAP).

The new regional health director has arranged for all purchases are made through tenders, price comparisons and invitations to suppliers, as provided Procurement Law, thereby achieving that the Regional IV get the best prices and quality drugs and supplies that required.

update has been made with management of the listed areas of chronic patients and mental health of the UNAP for these drugs, which are quite expensive, can get to them directly.

Through the accounting department has now directed that the information flow more swiftly and be inspected areas that were absent from supervision, as is the case in laboratory, dental y Farmacia.

The new regional health director has prepared a survey is made of fixed assets of the institution, including expensive medical equipment to be carried registration period for them and has control over where they are located.

As a manager experienced in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth, Dr. Víctor Manuel Terrero is meeting weekly with managers and departmental managers, who must submit a report on the activities in which they have been saying that things have improved, despite some limitations.

teams to ensure work unit, has ruled that they must remain in the regional non-working hours and holidays, while the fuel is hermetically controlled, thus reducing consumption significantly.

Repairs to the UNAP are permanent, but is being coordinated with Electro and General Services to Purchasing through acquiring the necessary materials for immediate repairs and maintenance. A daily walk the area a brigade solving problems.

payrolls are paid on time and without problems. Payment to suppliers is done fairly and without privileges and has been fulfilling all the commitments of provisions of incentives, Christmas bonus, leases and rental staff, so there are no problems at the time of payment.

continue to be managed teams for all the agencies UNAP PAHO, UNICEP, Social Cabinet and other agencies. Laptops have already been received for medical water tanks, scales, PC for the administrative areas and more vehicles are being managed.

Finally, the management of Dr. Víctor Manuel Terrero Encarnación has many lights within a few shadows that remain. Many things are still improving. The work is day to day. Many staff have adapted to the new railway works. Still others are resistant, but walking toward better health in the Region IV .

Note courtesy of Digital Journal Barahona.

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Everything you wanted to know about computer security

By David Cuen

LONDON .- Computer viruses, worms, malicious cyber attacks, frauds Online all these phrases have been coupling common vocabulary as Internet security technology has become a constant concern.

Imperva, a company specializing in computer security, predicted that the data theft, cyber attacks and infiltrations smartphones to be some of the largest virtual threats this year.

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However there is still a lack of knowledge about how to deal with these problems in the digital age.

Continuing the tradition of our guides "Everything You Wanted to Know ...", on BBC World will present some answers to the questions most frequently asked.

And we invite you to use the form down the page to send us more doubts and questions about the topic that will answer in a couple of weeks.

What is a virus computer?
viruses have become a nightmare for users of technology.

A virus, in terms of technology, is a small computer program that can replicate itself and infect one or more computers.

The most important feature of these codes is their ability to play as the infected file is executed every time it is used, creating, as infectious entities, a chain of infection.

The virus can be played via the Internet, a local network or any removable media such as CD, USB, DVD, etc..

virus is often used to speak also of malicious worms, Trojans and spyware, but they can not reproduce themselves.

What is a malicious software or malware ?

is a program designed to access a user's device without their consent in order to steal information, usher in more malicious code or dismantling the device.

By definition it is unwanted programs and may include codes to install toolbars in browsers, advertisements, or to download programs without the user knowing.

These programs are usually used by criminal networks who operate online.

According to security firm Symantec, about 30% of malware from China, followed by Romania.

What is phishing?

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Some sites try to steal the digital identity of users.

is an increasingly common practice on the Internet where some fraudsters deceive designing Internet sites that look like their favorite sites, same codes, same logos, slight changes in direction-a so that they enter their username and password.

Once they have sent more spam or fraudulent links contacts the person deceived.

The name "phishing" is a mixture of "password" (password in English) and "fishing" (fishing, in English) by creating a word that means "fishing for passwords."

To avoid this always have to make sure that the URL of the page you are visiting is correct.

How to know if a link is safe?

Most secure Internet connections using https prefix http instead of the common, where "s" extra meaning "safe."

Unlike open connections, the https secure channel established within an internet connection to check the authenticity of a website with some authorities to certify.

Using the system, however, can slow access to the service because the data require multiple trips to validate their authenticity.

antivirus Are they effective?

antivirus, though not infallible, remains the best tool of defense.

The antivirus is the best tool to defend against threats as files constantly monitor our devices in order to remove any infection.

Some of these programs are extra, but there are free versions that are also efficient

However, the antivirus can not prevent people to click on links or scams install programs that have undesirable characteristics, such as some toolbars in the browser.

also lose their effectiveness if not constantly updated to keep abreast with new technological threats.

What is a Trojan?

is a program that appears to be an end but actually hides malicious actions that run without user consent that defense.

Called to the famous Trojan Horse of Troy.

Some, for example, claim to be antivirus, but in reality are programs that spread viruses.

The council is only download programs from trusted sites or look for reviews on the web on these products.

Is there a cyberwar?

There is academic debate about whether the term "cyberwar" is accurate or not.

In recent months, the media have spoken of a cyber war and increased the intensity of computer attacks that seek to destabilize sites Internet by ideology.

Anonymous attacks on sites like Amazon or PayPal were to "defend the freedom of the internet" assumed that the organization was blocked after some companies refuse their services to the site Wikileaks leaks.

While organizations like the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ensure that the term is an "exaggeration", other experts insist that the name is correct and even suggest that mechanisms such as the "Geneva Convention" for cyberspace.

Ultimately one of the definitions of the word war is: "Fight or combat, albeit in a moral sense," according to the Dictionary of the Royal Academy of the English language.

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perform simultaneous chess Mary School Help Enriquillo neighborhood. Students

BARAHONA .- Chess Association conducted a double Barahona simultaneous chess exhibition at the Mary Help of Christians school district Enriquillo, attended by dozens of children and adolescents.

participated in the day by the school, Sister Aracelis Infante, while the provincial sports entity champion, Still Pérez Guzmán.
simultaneous The first round was held in the morning, and the second in the afternoon, activities in which there was a massive integration, both for all staff and students of the school.

The exhibition was hosted by the provincial champion, Pérez Guzmán, who said the quality shown by players.

President of the governing body of sport science in the province engineer Neck Modesto Peña said that this is part of the interest from the school principal, Infante to promote discipline future professionals, and to develop logical thinking, decision making, and intuition. Neck

Peña reported that will be visiting the International Master Humberto Pecorelli, in order to provide guidelines for improving the quality of the science game. This visit will be on days 1, 2 and 3 of the month of April, coordinated by the Dominican Chess Federation and clubs that make up the Association chess Barahona, and the collaboration of Central Sugar Corporation (CAC).

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Cristo Rey high school in Barahona become "members for a day"

SANTO DOMINGO .- A group of 80 students and ten teachers from the high school of Christ the King Barahona, were guests of Rep. Noris Medina, who taught the young third and fourth year on average the activities of the legislature.

Students are part of the "Deputy for a Day" that made the House, this time touching the future graduates of Barahona, who toured the different areas of the building that makes up the National Congress in the populous area of \u200b\u200bLa Feria.

Medina lawmaker addressed a simulated session, taking as secretary, vice president and spokesman for the different parties classmates, generating enthusiasm among young people.

In order to make the simulation more realistic, students discussed an agenda, which had as a first point of Monte Grande dam, designed to carry out the company Andrade Gutierrez and will be of great importance for the development of Barahona and the southern region of the Dominican Republic.

After the Chamber of Deputies, the students were taken by Deputy Medina of the National Palace, where they toured the first and second floor of the House of Government, and various offices.

At the National Palace welcomed the head of the National Directorate for Drug Control (DNCD), Major General Rolando Rosado, and the head of the Military Aide Corps, the Hector Barahona Belisario Medina and Medina.

Later, students and teachers, who were given a copy of the Constitution of the Dominican Republic, were taken to lunch at the dining room of the Chamber of Deputies.

Source: Cabinet Free

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Banks finance three new wind power plants in Bani and Barahona.

BARAHONA .- The president of the National Energy Commission, Enrique Ramírez, said the Inter American Development Bank (IDB) and European Investment Bank (EIB) approved a loan of $ 130 million (4,900 million pesos) to finance the installation of wind power plants in Monte Cristi and Bani and Barahona.

Three power plants will be raised power generation parks "Matafongo", "Juancho" Los Cocos "and Guanillo and resources from the funding provided by the IDB and the EIB will be available in four or five months. Ramírez

He said these plants will produce 113 megawatts of electricity and is estimated to produce a gain of 800 thousand barrels of oil per year, equivalent to $ 65 million (2,400 million pesos).

The CNE official estimated that in the future that the matrix of the country's electricity generation is 40 percent through renewable mechanisms, 30 percent natural gas, coal 20 percent and only 2 or 3 percent of fuel oil.

executive director of the CNE gave the remarks while participating in the forum "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for sustainable tourism in the country, sponsored by the Chamber English official of Trade and Industry.

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The double standard of the president

JOSE Cornielle

As you walk in international forums of democratic paint, respectful democracy and constitutional order in country betrays its practice.

pretend to ignore the constitutional mandate repostulación not enshrined in Article 124, on the presidential election, which reads: "The Executive power is exercised by the President or of Republic, who shall be elected every four years by direct vote and not be elected for the period following the Constitution, would be a fatal stab to the country's institutions.

Although the president, Leonel Fernández has said he will run again, neither has it denied, and that's a bad sign, because they recognize that the constitution that was sent to do in his own image similarity forbid, should not allow their sycophants continue in these dressings.

must have the president say that millionaires do not continue wasting resources in promoting a candidate, because Act forbids laws and the country is above any particular interest. But far from doing that, Leonel Fernandez, sponsors moral, activist and economically the claims of his followers, who are yours.

This messianic power of Leonel Fernandez has led him to believe himself above the constitution and laws of all Dominicans, of international agreements and to the same God.

Leonel Fernandez not express verbally that the constitution is a piece of paper, as said its true leader, guide and mentor, Joaquin Balaguer, but as the Bible states: "By their deeds you shall know them."

It demagogic and even distasteful, to be announced austerity measures by the economic crisis facing the country, while still wasting millions of pesos and Mollon in promoting a person who has no constitutional ability to stand again as a presidential candidate unless he is carried forward as a whole Tsunami, what was established in article 124, Magna Charter.

A Leonel Fernandez and his coterie of sycophants unconstitutional and could not care less what might happen to the country. They only care about staying in power, clinging to the teat of the cow, no matter what their attitude violates the constitutional principles and democratic country.

Any practice that threatens the institutional stability of the Dominican nation must be denied all of a sudden for all Dominicans. Because allowing such a violation flagrant the Constitution of the Republic , as claimed by the despot of Leonel Fernandez, would admit that we are a failed state.


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Mayor put into operation modern offices

BANI .- The Mayor of the Municipality of Bani, Nelson Camilo Landestoy, he ran the afternoon of Friday the rejuvenated fundraising offices of the council, among which are Treasury, Mortgage and Revenue Management.

The renovation provided by the Executive of the town of Bani to evoke the need for transparency and strengthen the collections consists of cubicles and glass front door with internal bathrooms and repair of toilets in the reception all with porcelain tile floors.

In a note written by the Public Relations Department of the City Council says the work performed in part on the first floor of City Hall include relocation and construction records, construction of post office payment ceiling with lighting, construction screens, repair and installation of air conditioners and installation of access door to the second level of iron with classic design, all with mahogany finish and marble tops, which involved an investment of 2 million 300 thousand dollars, including equipment .

The design of the renovation of offices collecting area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Bam City is the architect Enrique Peguero, Engineer José Luis Peguero contractor and supervision was provided by the Directorate of Urban Planning of the institution.

The ribbon cutting was led by Vice-Mayor Dayanira Soto, along with the Mayor Nelson Camilo Landestoy and Councillors Carlos González, Josefina Bautista del Castillo, Juan Castillo, Iván Peña, José Asunción and Magnolia Sánchez.

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collection Interior and Police Auxiliary Police graduated 69 in San Cristobal. Adolescent

SAN CRISTOBAL .- The Ministry of Interior and Police (MIP) to 69 young people graduated from San Cristobal province, who participated in the training of auxiliary police.

The graduation ceremony took place at 10 am in the halls of the Provincial Government of San Cristobal.

The Vice-Minister of Interior and Police, Domingo Francisco, who represented the Minister, Mr. José Ramón Fadul, said that the new Auxiliary Police received a three-month training, which included good manners, courtesy, technical police and others.

A newsletter of the MIP Communications Bureau states that the graduates, aged between 18 and 30 are high school graduates, college students, have a driver's license, knowledge of computers, and master a second language .

Francisco Sunday said that 20 of the graduates chose to continue training to join the National Police, while the remainder serve in low-risk places such as parks, churches, tourist areas and areas used by people different social conditions physical exercise, jogging and walking.

With the new 4.394 added auxiliary members of that body created by executive decree 62-07 of February 26, 2007.

The activity was attended by Governor of San Cristóbal, Engineer Alfonso Gamalier Montás Colonels Francisco Pérez Eddy Peralta, Director of the Auxiliary Police, Miguel Angel Mendez Carpenter, Regional Director South-Central Clime Raúl Estévez Commander of the 17th. Police Company in San Cristobal, Mario Objío, Director of the School of Cadets, Lt. Col. Jorge Garcia Lebron; Attorney of the Court of Appeal in San Cristobal, Doctor Jesus Fernandez Velez, the Attorney Faustino Pulinario, and Professor Ramona Medina.

The event was blessed by the priest José Joaquín Márquez, Chaplain of the National Police, and developed with great success and splendor and where the Governor urged the graduates to work day and night for the defense of urban population and the country and wished them every success in his position as law enforcement officials.