Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pound Cake Recipes Using A Chocolate Cake Mix

Senator Manuel Paula submits bill that would toughen the punishment for drunk drivers

Neiba .- If signed into law a project studying the Senate, drunk driving with expired license or passing red lights would be sentenced to imprisonment from one to six months and a fine of a minimum wage at RD $ 5 billion. Repeat offenders would receive twice as many penalties.

The project, originally from Senator Manuel Paula (PLD-Baoruco), also require placing the seat belt to addressing the rear seats of vehicles, mostly children.

This project amending Law 241 of vehicular traffic and provides that the license suspension for drunk driving may not be less than six months nor more than one year. When a driver causes damage to a person shall be punished, in addition to the penalties provided by that law, the license suspension of one to five years when injuries are permanent and, ultimately, in case of death.

Exorbitant. According to statistics from the Directorate General of Internal Revenue (DGII), the vehicle fleet has increased from 1,608,000 units in the year 2003 to 2,735,000 in 2010. Adds that there are 661.747 cars 73.716 buses, jeeps 252.881, 344.051 freight cars, 1,352,720 motorcycles, dump trucks, 18.272, 18.226 and 13.127 heavy machines of other types.

reveals that 66.12 percent of these vehicles are located in major urban centers at a rate of 50.38 percent in the National District, 11.82 percent in the province of Santo Domingo and Santiago 5.92 percent .

"This constant flow of vehicles has resulted in persistent violations of traffic laws, the lack of observation puts at risk the lives of people."


Between August and November 2007, only the DN and the province of Santo Domingo, AMET sent to traffic court to 19.370 for violation of red light in June in 2009 it became a major traffic violation, occupying 70% of the fines.

Madingo With Old Ladies

William Gomez computer stolen from his home in Villa Estela. Matan

for drafting ECOS DEL SUR.
BARAHONA .- A stranger entered the home of an employee of Radio Cadena Hispanoamericano in this city, and stole a laptop computer.

The thief entered the house of William José Gómez, located on Independence Street, Lower Quarter Villa Estela here.

The victim said the laptop has a cost of over 20 thousand dollars.

said that for unknown committing the robbery, he gave his son for eight years and ten dollars, which he said he was which sent him.

After the child receive the money, went out to thousands of housing to the grocery store to buy candy, so they used the spend them to enter the house and take the Laptop was in his room.

In Villa Estela said that whoever did the robbery, is in the neighborhood, so it is being investigated and there are good tracks.