Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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is a highly branched plant stems and thorns, sometimes with white flowers and other greens, is fruit nearly spherical berries red and black when ripe. Also known as bush, sacha-mora, etc.
There are several species with this common name: campestris, brasiliensis, etc. Your place of origin is South America.

Active Principles: Saponins, Hill, phenols, potassium nitrate, glycosides.

The roots of the various species of sarsaparilla are sweat and diuretic properties, it is recommended in the treatment of syphilitic affections and rheumatic diseases and gout. For external use desinflama rashes. For its diuretic properties is effective against cholesterol. Prepare
50 g per liter of water, boil for 5 min. and then strain and store in the refrigerator. It can take up to three wells per day.


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