Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Indoor Shuffel Board Deminsions

syrup to relieve bronchial Anacahuita

This syrup is very good for relieving the bronchi, in serious cases such as pneumonia, his power expectorant, relieves quickly.
in 1 liter of water to 1 lemon cut into four, 4 tablespoons of honey, 5 sheets 6 bay and eucalyptus leaves male (see explanation below).
This preparation is boiled at low heat, until about 200 cc. His consistency will be like a syrup with a dark caramel color. Its flavor is very nice, so consumed by children without major problems. Strain and take this preparation in 3 days.

Being a strong expectorant, quickly clean the airways, bay leaf and lemon and serve as antipireptico desinflamante respectively.

male Eucalyptus is one, which presents the leaves of seed clusters, as shown in photo.


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