Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Suits Red Rose Pinned November


Other name: Yerba Luisa, Princess Grass, Grass Cidrera. Aromatic Verbena, 3 verbena leaves. Cidrao.
Like other herbs, has properties stomach, helps in cases of slow digestion, cramps or pain gastroduodenal origin. It is sedative and antispasmodic. Calms palpitations of nervous or digestive and folk medicine advises against shocks, vertigo and dizziness. It is also carminative and helps melancholy and hypochondria.
Active Ingredients: essential oil, limonene, sesquiterpenes, aliphatic alcohols, a-terpineol, citronellol, geranium, sesquilerponoles, terpene esters, aldehydes, terpene oxides, furocumarias and flavonoids.

Prepare 10 grams per cup of water boiling. It is effective substitute for tea or coffee. You can add a few drops of lemon. Whether of not using sugar or at least use as little as possible.


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