Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can A Platypusget Rabies

Also called Ababol, Abala, Paparota and Rosella. Desinflama is antispasmodic and tissues, is hypnotic, soothing and sweat. It is a plant covered with a chenille stems, opposite leaves and large flowers, hanging open and upright before then formed by four red petals scarlet, the fruit is formed at the center of the flower and is shaped capsule urn.

Active Principles: latex contains four alkaloids: reagenina, readin, and rearrubina rearrubina1 2 and anthocyanins.

The poppy petals tisada used against colds strong pulmonary whooping cough, etc.
flowers and capsules are infused sweat and soothing properties. The syrup prepared from the petals is used as a cough and soothing emollients (desinflamante)


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