Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Systems From Having Royphnol


is also known by Caragolera, Pleiro, Albahagorella and Mariquita. Is a diuretic, blood cleansing and desinflamante of the bladder and kidneys.
is an upright plant stems and fleshy, reddish and hairy. It is very similar to the common nettle, grows in arid lands, walls and rocks.

Active Principles: Calcium, sulfur, potassium nitrate and mucilage flavone pigments.

dried leaves are used in the plant. Prepare an infusion of 10 g per well of boiling water, it is left descant and strain, drink away from meals, is by its nature aprecidada inflammations and diuretic in cases of edema, albuminuria and cystitis.
regulates kidney function, kidney cleansing powders and regulating its activity. For desinflamante as is indicated in cases of prostate problems, as the bladder and helps desinflama proper operation.


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