Monday, February 28, 2011

Transfer Data From Tally 7 To 9

The orange is the fruit of the orange tree (Citrus aurantinas). Is a tree native to Asia, evergreens and dome-shaped cup and its fruits are spherical and divided into segments, very juicy. Its properties are incredibly varied and all its parts are carriers of beneficial contributions to our body. Ideally, drinking a glass of juice at breakfast, which can start the day with the vitamin necessary and without fat that affects our arteries.

Active Principles: The fruits are rich in vitamins, especially C. organic acids, pectin and minerals.
The flowers known as Flor de Azahar, have lemon, pinene, linalool, citrenol and resin.
The bark of the fruit contains D-lemon, Citrol, citronellol, vitamins and pectins.

The flowers are sedating and relaxing the stomach, especially for people who reflect the nerves in this body and affects their digestion.
Fruits tone the whole body and strengthens the lungs and bronchi.
The leaves are also sedative and antipyretic, ie reduce fever and regulate body temperature.
An orange bark tea, boiled for 3 minutes and taken before food, is digestive and tonic by promoting proper digestion.
In cosmetic use, making porridge with orange rind, applied to the skin, can enjoy their moisturizing and soothing the skin, its effects are similar to those caused by cucumber. A slice applied to dark circles, makes them disappear in minutes.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Emergency Driver License North Carolina

Garlic Orange Dulce Yerba

herbaceous plant is a well known and widely used worldwide. It is an excellent spice and has antihypertensive properties, antiseptic, stimulates the proper functioning of various organs, prevents the formation of gases in the digestive tract and as a blood cleanser, lowers cholesterol and helps eliminate blood fat (triglycerides).
is a leafy plant with long dark green leaves and made a bulb composed of numerous segments that are called "teeth", arranged around, very strong taste and odor.
Since ancient times, besides being used as a seasoning, garlic has been highly valued for curing various diseases.

Active Ingredients: Garlic contain a ferment, the aliinasa, which converts alliin into allyl disulfide. Its essential oil, highly volatile, permeates their environment and to eat them raw happens to our moods (saliva, sweat, etc.).

pressure to High tea can be taken. Crushed and mixed with honey is recommended for rheumatic pains. Externally it is used as corn remedies in the form of ointment (mash the garlic and mix with a few drops of mineral oil, until a soft dough texture.) Crushed
alone and applied directly to the condition, cure ringworm and scabies.
raw or boiled (and who does not lose its properties with cooking) is a great addition to a complete food. In which the bulb can be used fresh or dried and the plant canopy.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Is It Important To Keep Equipment Clean


These days we have had a nice visit some new friends , Carla, and Manolo Fernando, we invited to share an activity in the high of cole , there waiting for us tasty and fun surprises .
The first day we were the friends of 4 and 4-5 years, and the second the 3 and 5 years.
"Alsi" not wanted to lose and, as he always does, we enjoy accompanied equal to or more than us.
There we expected our new friends, we greet, we did the assembly and start putting in OPERATION our SENSES but before ... we become in fruits and vegetables , we equipment, farmers were , learned vocabulary on fruits, plants , herbs, spices , we a plant that served as a sponge to be camaraderie ,...!!

We wash hands the y. ..

BREAKFAST! the food we had prepared with great care, based on Fernando FRUITS; the menu was very attractive , first to view and then to taste.

Mmmmm! How rich!.

We of lemon juice , orange and papaya , slices of banana with cinnamon and bananas with caramel , "pizza" (bread) with tomato , "pizza" avocado, sliced \u200b\u200b orange, tomato slices , mini tostadas with tomato jam and mini toast with orange marmalade ...

When we finished we were given a card , now we "FRIENDS OF THE FRUITS" as us and we liked waaaaay us very strong and bigs Mom, Dad, Grandma, ... I still eat fruit at home and cole! .

"Alsi" ate it todito and she also has her card.

Thanks to Carla, and cook Manolo Fernando for having come and share this activity with our "kids" with us through the "Kick and Papea" of the Town Council Gran Canaria We learned a lot and, above all, we spent a very pleasant little while.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Nightser Plate 60318-07

Magic Water

Also known as kaa-hee, its scientific name is Stevia. It is native to Paraguay. It is a plant composed of leaves with serrated edges and has white flowers that appear three times a year. Comes to have between 30 and 50 cms in height and can be grown in pots, plants and multiplied by each plant is about 5 years.
The particularity of Stevia is that with a few leaves can replace sugar. Adds nothing to our body, not a food, and contains no sugar, a sweetener plant but no glucose in your composisiĆ³n therefore is highly recommended for diabetics and for people to lose weight on a diet low in sugar.
should not use those anemic or hypoglycemic, because no glucose, it gives the body energy.
Instead, he is good when you need diets low in carbohydrates. The amount of leaves to add per liter of water or milk, varies by individual taste.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Denise Milani On Wiki

In Japan, it is very popular drink water while fasting. For old and serious diseases, the water treatment had been found successful in the Japanese medical society, with a cup of 100% cure the following diseases:
headache, body ache, heart system, artitis, tachycardia, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis, tuberculosis, menengitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, eye diseases, constipation, uterine, cancer, menstrual disorders, diseases of the ear, nose and throat .

Method of treatment:
1 - you wake up in the morning, before brushing teeth, drink 4 glasses of 160 cc (640cc) of water from the tap.
2 - wash and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.
3 - After 45 minutes, you can have breakfast in less than 15 minutes, so that breakfast should be frugal.
4 - After 15 minutes of breakfast and after lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.

Older people who can not drink the 4 cups of water at the beginning can start with one and gradually increasing the amount of water to get to take the 4 glasses (ie the 640 cc of water).

This water treatment has no contraindications or side effects, rather than go to the bathroom a little more often.
Drink water and be healthy and Active.

Examples Of Welcoming Doctors

New look

I want to thank my children, and Fercho ThunderGirl, I have prepared this new design for my blog, to start the year with a new image. I started this blog to share my knowledge about herbs, because in nature we find everything we need without harming our body. I hope you enjoy the new view of my site. Thanks to all who are made to spend a moment and comment, I hope that my posts are helpful. Greetings to all and thanks for visiting.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chelsea Charms Biggest Ever 2010

WANT remaining in the "TEAM OF THE PEACE IN OUR

We were in class talking with our friend GANDHI remember he visited us the past year and stood live with us forever in our cole of Goleta ?, we presented a his girlfriend TERESA name, but we all know as MOTHER TERESA OF CALCUTTA , she was also friend of "Alsi.
The assembly our stork came up with an idea the heard respecting the shift of word and decided, together, form the HALL OF PEACE expanding our Magic Forest.
With help our families seek information about our new friend TERESA and other buddies who did sooooo good stuff for others, collect and learned poems, stories , phrases, Nobel Prizes, colors, animals as crane or dove , plants such as olive or holly ... PEACE related , we mobile , banners ...

Among as GOOD TEAM, SONG prepare a entitled "FRIENDSHIP" , we accompany of instruments and posters , we put a crown magic of La Paz and SHARE in the courtyard of the elderly with the buddies all the cole in FRIDAY CULTURAL LA PAZ, in the song also participated "Alsi" , their raw the crane and white dove of La Paz, we remember our buddies of Strasbourg, Turkey and Palermo, one of the interpret verses in French and another in English ...
Ah! and our meeting was no lack of friends pigeons of "Alsi" from the height greeted us happy with their wings .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Vespa With Sidecar For Sales


highly digestive Boldo and stimulating bile secretion. It is also known by the name of Boldea. It is a small tree native to the central part of Chile, has thick foliage and very fragrant, the leaves are bright green and has white flowers, very fragrant, dipuestas in clusters.

Active Principles: contains several alkaloids among which the boaldina addition and boldoglucina flavone derivatives. Its essential oil is composed of ascaridol, eucalyptol and cimol.

Boldo The tea is the natural liver remedy par excellence, notably by stimulating bile and hepatic action. It also has a slightly diuretic action, useful against excess uric acid.