Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Whic Oil Can Stop Hair Fall

Apple Syrup Apple

The fruit of Manzano, is one of the most desirable plant products for their nutritional and healing properties that exist between on the planet.
regulates the digestive system. Combat dyspepsia and fermentations. It is diuretic, desintoxidante, sedative, antispasmodic, astringent, emollient (soothes the inflammation of the stomach and intestine). It is recommended for hemorrhoids, helps the functioning of the liver, kidneys, lungs.
antidiarrheal Apples are green, red are stomach and diuretic.

Active Ingredients: Vitamins C and B , phosphorus (very necessary for the brain), Calcium, Potassium, etc.

is better to eat raw apples and nuts, if delicate stomachs can not tolerate the shell should peel as finely as possible, since most of their active ingredients are below it.
Conditions stomach, intestines and liver are cured for a week eating apples , boiled rice and carrots with mineral water on the side.
Applesauce (boiled for 5 to 10 minutes, without sugar) is great for those cases of gastritis, ulcers, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, colitis, colds and flu.
The grated raw apple, leaving rust until it gets dark, is excellent against diarrhea.
An apple tea, taken away from food, is digestive, astringent and sedative.


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