Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Female Genitaliatattoos Gallery

Chicken Yerba

This plant is very noticeable digestive characteristics. It is a herbaceous plant with hairy stems, opposite leaves and white or lilac, fruit is a capsule. Roots are generally used. It is very common in Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Argentina.
is highly recommended to be administered to children, it is mildly laxative, digestive and delicately. Advised in case of embarrassment of creatures as a good regularizing bowel functions.

Active Ingredients: This plant contains ipecac and emetine acid (alkaloid compound: emetine, Cephaeline and psicotrina), so it can replace the true ipecacuanha, but is less emetic than that.

Prepare a decoction of 20 grams of chicken herb per 1 liter of water. Take a cup between meals.


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