Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cubefield Unblocked 3d


Alsi has returned your trip to Strasbourg (France) to accompany our buddies the children and girls of Coro when came got a big surprise .... our Fall Magic Forest had become a Winter Forest Christmas .

Phew! So cold! was not as much as he did on his trip but our Forest snow fell in the form of flakes with happy faces, some animal like hibernating bears , had holly, sweet candy , abolishes of Christmas , stars , the elves of forest were sheltered at ...

Alsi then gave to cuddle her small baby, we greeted us all and we had your experience lived during the trip . As was tired went to his magic bell , rested a bit and from there it looked pretty was the cole . We had prepared a crib where she slept and dreamed with places that visited during his trip and French buddies he met there.
days passed and participated of craft scenes of our environment canario, made cheese, learned to cook comidita in Canary the traditional kitchen located on the corner Comenius, planted potatoes, made little baskets and hats with palm leaves along with artisans, ...
And ... came the day of the Christmas party! we become in canaries pastors to participate of Bethlehem our cole ; the Child Jesus will carry a wool blanket, a tambourine , a timple a scarf , a basket of almonds A quesito , a diaper s, a sugarcane a baifito a bib and tour on a donkey. Also participated with all the friends over and the master of a dance "The chimes of Dunkirk" and beside Santa Claus, his reindeer elves and interpret a beautiful song in English .
Thanks mom, dad , grandmother ... prepare for the clothes and come dressed of pastor and pastor canaria by come to our party and evaluate our work.
We share with all families the following video the music that accompanies is interpreted by the boys and girls of our beloved Choir .


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