Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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is a highly branched plant stems and thorns, sometimes with white flowers and other greens, is fruit nearly spherical berries red and black when ripe. Also known as bush, sacha-mora, etc.
There are several species with this common name: campestris, brasiliensis, etc. Your place of origin is South America.

Active Principles: Saponins, Hill, phenols, potassium nitrate, glycosides.

The roots of the various species of sarsaparilla are sweat and diuretic properties, it is recommended in the treatment of syphilitic affections and rheumatic diseases and gout. For external use desinflama rashes. For its diuretic properties is effective against cholesterol. Prepare
50 g per liter of water, boil for 5 min. and then strain and store in the refrigerator. It can take up to three wells per day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Parachute Coconut Oil Thicker Hair


What's happening in our hall of Child ?

few days ago that some hear noises a bit strange, we peered and not see anyone to but in the hallway will appear animals like squirrels , rabbits, bears brown, birds, snails , a raccoon ... Besides this and live with us few scarecrows .

We asked Mica and her with the help of "Alsi", "Cua-four", "Panchito" and "Mono" will investigate .

Every day that passes corridor will fill of leaves of different sizes, pineapples , nuts, acorns , almonds, figs , mushrooms , autumn poems, baskets, containers chestnuts, "hedgehogs" chestnut, "Pinocchio" apples, dried branches , an umbrella brightly colored, Chestnut borders, posters of nuts ... even had a magic window (SSS. .. do not tell anyone but behind the curtain could be heard louder noises who would hide there?).

Mica informed us that "Alsi" from bell what he had seen everything and a very pixies workers along with Autumn Fairy had transformed gradually, a MAGICAL FOREST FALL! and she had decided for a few days become a chestnut .
We learned about this stuff station of years, among them: their characteristics ; animals peculiar to this period; how born a chestnut since it is within the hedgehog, it will open little by little until out of it, then peel and we we can eaten raw or roasted as in FESTIVAL "FINE" that celebrate with our French FRIENDS STRASBOURG of ; to convert a pineapple an owl or squirrel and a nut a ladybug y. .. much more.
Our forest share it with French pals have been several days in the cole participating in different activities and now we that you also enjoy our grove where you can breathe much joy.
In addition Forest Fairy live a small and mischievous elves of 3 , 4 and 5 years does anyone know any?
Through collaboration and creativity displayed by the families our hall has been transformed into a truly magical autumn Rinconcito.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Suits Red Rose Pinned November


Other name: Yerba Luisa, Princess Grass, Grass Cidrera. Aromatic Verbena, 3 verbena leaves. Cidrao.
Like other herbs, has properties stomach, helps in cases of slow digestion, cramps or pain gastroduodenal origin. It is sedative and antispasmodic. Calms palpitations of nervous or digestive and folk medicine advises against shocks, vertigo and dizziness. It is also carminative and helps melancholy and hypochondria.
Active Ingredients: essential oil, limonene, sesquiterpenes, aliphatic alcohols, a-terpineol, citronellol, geranium, sesquilerponoles, terpene esters, aldehydes, terpene oxides, furocumarias and flavonoids.

Prepare 10 grams per cup of water boiling. It is effective substitute for tea or coffee. You can add a few drops of lemon. Whether of not using sugar or at least use as little as possible.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Is Continuous Heartburn A Symptom Of An Ulcer

Olivo Toro

This herb is also known as olive, wild olive and Oliveira.
The leaves are the main effect of lowering the blood pressure decreases blood uric acid, increased diuresis and improves feverish.
The fruit of this plant, olives, is a healthy food (using black) rich in oil, minerals, vitamins, iron. It is digestive, eupéptico, colagogo and relieves inflammation.
For hypertension, uric acid and increase diuresis, put 10 grams in a cup of boiling water and taken after each meal. Should be taken without adding sugar.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Angela Myammee Nipple


Also known as yerba del toro, quebracho loose espinheira holy, cancer, life. In the field-specific properties are attributed to alcoholism, that is, if taken for at least 6 weeks, the patient leaves the wine or any alcoholic intoxication.
is a good detoxifying the liver and urinary tract. Relieves dropsy patients. Is said to cure stomach ulcers, gastritis and calm the spasms and pain of the digestive tract. Corrects heartburn, fermentation, etc..
In external form is used in sitz baths for hemorrhoids.

Active Principles: gums, mucilage, organic acids, steroids, tannins and alkaloids.

to stop drinking, boil 40 grams in one liter of water for 10 minutes if the patient agrees, it will take 4 or 5 cups a day. If you do not accept treatment, you can add hot mix mat or shade leaves of the herb of bull mate. To achieve the desired effect, treatment should followed daily for at least a month and a half.
As liver detoxification, make an infusion of 10 grams per liter of water and drink 3 cups per day, fasting and the other away from food.
For the treatment of hemorrhoids, the aforementioned concoction of 40 grams per liter of water, let it cool and make a sitz bath for half an hour.
This plant has no contraindications, which may be taken throughout life.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Indoor Shuffel Board Deminsions

syrup to relieve bronchial Anacahuita

This syrup is very good for relieving the bronchi, in serious cases such as pneumonia, his power expectorant, relieves quickly.
in 1 liter of water to 1 lemon cut into four, 4 tablespoons of honey, 5 sheets 6 bay and eucalyptus leaves male (see explanation below).
This preparation is boiled at low heat, until about 200 cc. His consistency will be like a syrup with a dark caramel color. Its flavor is very nice, so consumed by children without major problems. Strain and take this preparation in 3 days.

Being a strong expectorant, quickly clean the airways, bay leaf and lemon and serve as antipireptico desinflamante respectively.

male Eucalyptus is one, which presents the leaves of seed clusters, as shown in photo.