Friday, May 21, 2010

Are Electric Toothbrushes Good For Receding Gums?


Our friend Alsi is very happy in his magical and comfortable bell, situated as all of us and our families know in the corner of Comenius to login of "cole."

She showed up one day in school greeting "Bon Jour!", Came of Strasbourg (France) and therefore speak French.

knew little about his life and decided INVESTIGATE , for it needed the cooperation of our families and with their help muuuuuchísimas learned things about our dear friend the stork Alsi : mode life, songs, poems , stories ... Little by little we collect data and convert our hallway of Child in ALSI SMALL WORLD.

Until we become storks! and Book Day staged a song on it before the largest in the "school" and some special guests coming from Strasbourg.

occasionally makes its luggage, says goodbye to us and undertakes your flight to Strasbourg (France), Palermo (Italy) or Nizit (Turkey) live where our new friends European.

In April we visited children, girls , teachers and parents and French .... in the last of your trip children accompanied them and girls of 5 of our "cole" and held in Strasbourg the May 9 the EUROPE DAY in company of buddies French, Italian and Turkish . How well it went! (We invite you to visit the blog of Comenius and enjoy as they did.)

Thanks to the families for their invaluable assistance!

If you want to know the result of our research , please pay attention to the following video.


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