Monday, December 14, 2009

Best Toothbrush For Receding Gums

"investigations" Gugu THE EUROPEAN FRIENDS

As all and we know some new friends they live a little far, in France, Italy and Turkey. The
children and girls of Child been "investigating" on these places through maps in internet, with our girlfriend Lisa that comes of Italy and work with us all weeks of giving us information your country, your language , traditions ...
- Turkey is the one further his flag is red and very funny decorated with a moon and a white star.
- Italy , The house of Lisa, a bit is presumed , likes to wear a boot with high-heeled and flag has the colors green , white and red.
- France is the most is close to us, Gran Canaria has form of square and blue flag is , white and red.
addition we give the "good days "in their languages: Turkish , Italian and French (so far only knew the greeting in English and English, so we've expanded our vocabulary).
know those little friends thank EUROPEAN PROJECT COMENIUS .
work very illusion and motivation because our little friends we wanted to know and to Gugu too.
Please keep the following video that we share with all our families to show them what we have learned.
keep you informed about our new friends, especially the days spent in our cole .


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