Monday, December 21, 2009

Old Tenting Of Hemidiaphragm


With the help of our girlfriend Lisa have known how celebrate the children and Italian girls the Christmas .
Our buddies Italian NO they visit , January 5 at night, the MAGI as we but a witch called "BEFANA" the boys and girls put a sock in fireplaces their homes and she rise in sweet broom leaves those who have done well and coal those not have been very good . They
recite rhymes about to call the Befana and us we learned a little of it (the text that appears in the video). According
legend says the Kings be lost when were to Bethlehem to bring gifts the Child Jesus , called a "old lady" them help, she said that not and was in your home. Then I thought , prepared a basket with sweet and was to find the Kings. As the not found she stopped at each house that was sweet and gave he had prepared for children, hoping that one of them was the baby Jesus. Since then continues this tradition in Italy (one of our buddies COMENIUS countries and "Alsi," stork).
invite you to follow us in the following video and participate of our experience in the class with Befana.

Now we can see and hear one version of the rhyme ( filastrocche ) Completely as the children sing the Italian Befana.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

What Is Dalfour Cream


Until a few days we were to "school" clothes with chilly , summer, but already leaning the cold our little noses , we dress with clothes of coat, rain and ... this warns us that missing few days to come ...
Want to see and hear a story about this season?
Its title is "The Snowman."
Do you know the snow? Where have you been? Have you played with it? Is it hot or cold? Have you ever made a snowman? Where?
Remember what the rules when hear a story , always be meet if you're not in the assembly of cole .
And now that we are ready we can envision our story.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Burgundy Carpet What Color Walls


few days ago we had a party very special in our school, the Gugu party of guests were our new buddies of France, Italy and Turkey , they had traveled in aircraft from its countries, who are a little far to know and exchange experiences .
The day started with a welcome our friends of Comenius in courtyard of children and older girls, then you give a "gift". .. magical flower color ! that we made with our hands as templates.
The invite to visit the Gugu Cave, which is in our hall, and our classes of Child ; salute you and we sing some songs.
Finally we got, the kids the Gugu crowns and more the crowns pintaderas to meet all children and girls of cole, with our families, in the courtyard of older, and started celebrate the feast .
We staged the History of our friend Gugu and other colleagues conducted other activities.
Before the party ended we had a surprise visit ALSI!, a stork that comes from Strasbourg and will be to live our bell special, which is on the corner Comenius of cole, she much like travel and learn all things places to visit .
We're learning much with Alsi and with Italian our friend Lisa.
Want to participate and enjoy the party?
We invite you to look at the following videos.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Best Toothbrush For Receding Gums

"investigations" Gugu THE EUROPEAN FRIENDS

As all and we know some new friends they live a little far, in France, Italy and Turkey. The
children and girls of Child been "investigating" on these places through maps in internet, with our girlfriend Lisa that comes of Italy and work with us all weeks of giving us information your country, your language , traditions ...
- Turkey is the one further his flag is red and very funny decorated with a moon and a white star.
- Italy , The house of Lisa, a bit is presumed , likes to wear a boot with high-heeled and flag has the colors green , white and red.
- France is the most is close to us, Gran Canaria has form of square and blue flag is , white and red.
addition we give the "good days "in their languages: Turkish , Italian and French (so far only knew the greeting in English and English, so we've expanded our vocabulary).
know those little friends thank EUROPEAN PROJECT COMENIUS .
work very illusion and motivation because our little friends we wanted to know and to Gugu too.
Please keep the following video that we share with all our families to show them what we have learned.
keep you informed about our new friends, especially the days spent in our cole .

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Transfer Data Frm Tally 7 To 9


With the arrival of fall us, "sin" of cole we had known to our little friend the chestnut , we wanted to be our Corner autumn.
Our families helped us find a house in in park in the field ... "little things" that we could place in our corner .
What brought all the cole to see , touch, smell , try , experience ...
We the perfect place and there, among all , forming what we .
We learned a lot on characteristics that identify the autumn season of and now what we want to share with all our families.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stomach Sit Squashing


As we have been reporting , the boys and girls of Child have a new friend named Gugu the child that lived in the Stone Age .
Every day you know a little more.
Do you what you want to know as we have?
We share what we know so far it with all our families and the remaining families cole inviting them to follow the following video.
Any Child Family Gugu knew his or her friend?