Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Chart Of The Berger Paints


Al end the first quarter celebrate the Christmas in cole. breathing is joy, the hallways and classrooms decorated , traditions met this season as La Befana in Italy , we made the place folder where the odd jobs that had been with effort and affection , we visited the "Duendes Christmas " we left them a gift under the tree, an elaborate puppet of Gugu as gift for Italian buddies of Palermo (Italy) and ALSI , our traveling stork , It was hanging its peak , learned a carol to interpret before our little friends the largest of cole and our families ...
And when back in January , we had a very pleasant surprise, La Befana we had left a sweet within socks that we placed next to map and flags of countries of the Comenius Project that we in class.
Finally, we a quarter-fired fun, entertaining and are very happy by work during it.
We invite you to watch the following videos and hope you enjoy it as much as we do from our experiences.